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Accessible à tout le monde

L’Art de la chapellerie

Découvrez nos 3 modules exclusifs dédiés à l'art de créer des chapeaux, une passion, un loisir créatif ou une perspective de carrière.

Explorez le métier de modiste-chapelier, en apprenant à fabriquer des chapeaux sur-mesure avec l'artisan chapelière-modiste, Pili Garcia

Rejoignez-nous pour explorer le monde fascinant de la chapellerie, où la créativité n'a pas de limites, et où vous pourrez donner vie à vos idées les plus originales. Découvrez votre passion pour la création de chapeaux avec l'ATELIER Pili GARCIA.

The course is offered individually or in groups of up to 3 people.

Total duration 8 hrs divided into 2 sessions of 4 hrs.

Saturday Sunday

from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.

(Possibility during the week. In this case, please specify by May)

This course is accessible to all, it is not necessary to have great knowledge in sewing, nor special ability.


Anyone can make hats!


Create your custom felt or straw hat

Welcome to the world of Hats
by Pili Garcia! 

This workshop is perfect for anyone wishing to create with their hands and leave with a unique hat. The opportunity to discover an unknown know-how and to experience a real moment of disconnection.

In a private setting, Pili Garcia will teach you all the steps of hat making, from shaping to design to decoration.

Image de Logan Fisher


Sparkling and fascinating, Pili Garcia is an extraordinary creative personality.


Coming from a milliner-hatter training, her story really begins when Pili launched her brand of hats a decade ago.  


A label aimed at highlighting excellence in the creation of hats.


Respecting the ancestral gestures and know-how of milliners, Pili Garcia continues to create and reinvent the "timeless hat" for women and men in all its splendor and to personify it with a distant land.


To this end, Pili collaborates with stylists, and at the same time with its tailor-made clientele for essentially unique pieces.  


Eager to pass on her passion for hats, her ancestral heritage and her know-how, Pili Garcia has set up a hat workshop.


Come and discover the universe of the hatter and learn about his know-how!

Pour avoir accès à la présentation,
au descriptif, au déroulement de l'atelier chapeau
et au prix.

Veuillez remplir le formulaire

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